Here it is, another new year. And yes, I am excited! You would think that with 40 some odd new years under my belt that the whole "new year, new start, new me" thing would have worn off. After all, I never accomplish the grandiose self-improvement resolutions I make. Each year excuses begin and circumstances arise which I use to circumvent achieving even a modicum of physical fitness. I tell myself, just one more murder mystery or vampire book before I delve seriously back into the philosophers or open my mind to the principles of economics. I aim for a sleeker, smarter, more efficient, better organized me and though I don't fail entirely, I always find myself making the very same plans for the very same reasons the following January.
So why the hope? Why the excitement and sense that this year it will all come together? I think part of it, for all of us, is simply that the giant hurdle of "the holidays" is behind us. Physically, financially and for many emotionally, the holidays are as challenging and exhausting as they are joyous and sustaining. Once they are over, many of the musts of daily life can be replaced with more enjoyable pursuits. And there is something invigorating about the vast dullness of January through March looming ahead and providing nearly nothing to look forward to in the way of good weather or festive occasions. All that time, free from distractions good or bad--it's a pure luxury. It's you time.
Today, I feel like I'm in a good position to make my "me time" count. A lot of the avenues I will pursue, are continuations of last year's resolutions. Things well begun, but attended to less as the year became busier (this blog for example). I'll build on what I learned in the art class I took last spring. It wasn't a waste of time after all. I enjoyed it then and can pursue it again now. I'll keep going to that gym I joined, abandoned for months and rediscovered in December when I needed a mood lifter. Life does get busier as the weather gets better, kids get out of school, then there's back-to-school and the pace begins mounting toward the year-end holiday crescendo. If you recognize the flow, you can eliminate the feeling of failure associated with leaving off with things you want to do--things that make you happy. It helps me somehow to think of it as picking up and carrying on rather than starting all over. It also helps to make resolutions for the right reasons. Replacing the I have tos, I ought tos or I shoulds with a few great I really want tos makes a world of difference. All the other stuff gets done or not and ends up not mattering. But things you've always longed to do, or things that spark your interest now--those are the jewels of life. I'll only do something for any length of time if I really want to do it. It has to make me happy on some level. Maybe you're the same. If you find some of those things maybe you can make it a truly Happy New Year! That's my plan.
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