Voila! The moment has arrived. My $2000 free portrait for your viewing pleasure. We don't look exactly like ourselves, which for me is a blessing. The boy looks eerily older and a little off. By and large, I am happy. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, see Prize of Shame, below.
I like it! By "off", do you mean it was heavily retouched?
You're right, they turned your darling young son into a thirty year old and what mother among us is ready for that?
Right??? But nonetheless, overall I like the picture. I've always been a fan of surrealism.
I meant that your perception of something being "off" was "right".
I saw a much older version of Aedan (w/something not quite right) and a younger version of you but overall, it's a beautiful portrait of you both.
Aedan looks like his cousin Vinny!
You're right, Jim. He kinda does look like Vinnie there!
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