Tuesday, September 7, 2010

To Blog or not to Blog . . . . . .

That is the question. With me, the desire to write, ruminate, natter on, even, is there. But in lock-step with that desire is the nagging idea that to do so is rather self-indulgent and any resulting prose will be tedious drivel to the reader. That said, I like a lot of other people's blogs and wonder if I may not be judging myself a tad more harshly than I do others.

For a long time, I've struggled over subject matter. What perspective can I bring to blogging that will make my musings engaging and fresh. Should I do a mommy blog, a writer blog, a reader's blog, a decorating blog? Should my focus be my experiences as a lung transplantee, a step-mother, a traveler? How about a political blog? God knows I have enough to say on that topic! The possibilities seem, and as the blogosphere demonstrates, are in fact, endless.

So I've delved into the vast and varied world of blogging and have determined which blogs I like best as a reader. Here's what I find. I like blogs that are funny, but not trying too hard to be funny. I prefer bloggers who write on a range of subjects rather than sticking to one theme. I enjoy posts that feel fresh, honest and authentic. I can take pointed, but I don't like preachy.

I've settled on a series of slice-of-life snippets from a 40-something, writer, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, patient, and dog benefactor (I hate the word "owner"). It will be all of the aforementioned blogs and then some. It will be my take on experiences that I hope broadly relate to my reader's world. In the scheme of things, despite all the disunity we perceive in the world around us, we are far more similar to one another than we are different. I hope to find and strike those chords.


Craig said...

Okay, I really wished I had more time for stuff like this but life IS too busy (well with trying to fit the fun and adventure in there) I am doing this cause my cousin asked me too. I do however love the the idea of the 'snippets of life' after all, isn't that what is important, life, what we make of it and that we share it (not how). As my little instigator cousin started this, ahem, family and friends are soooo important for many many reasons, most of all to share with (good and bad) love with, laugh with, cry with....I suddenly just realized with the HUGE family of ours that we are so all out of touch with each other...I have ben working on our family tree for over 20 years now and I would say that only 25% of the family seems to appreciate it...in the process of uploading family pictures dating back to the 1890's and family documents to the internet and will let everyone know when its done and ready for prime time...next I need to find someone that will actually help me find a really good online database for a family tree that will contain well over 20,000 entries dating back thus far to the early 1700's, ha, good luck right....who cares, well I do and a few others ....its important to know where we came from and to pass that on to future generations ...this is really one of my lifes goals that will go on to my dying day....share, share, share, history, life, past, present and future!

Megan said...

The Genealogy you've given us Craig is invaluable. It is a gift for every generation.